The Project

Why the Teenage Prayer Experiment?

Because I am a mum, and a vicar, and I want my children to learn to pray. There are loads of books and resources for small children out there, but little for teenagers - especially young teenagers. Confirmation age.
This week I tried to buy confirmation presents for a 10 and 13 year old from my church. I asked the Cathedral book shop for a book suitable for each age, that would help them to begin to develop a regular pattern and habit of prayer. But apparently, no such thing exists.

So, my son and I decided to write one.

Here's how it is going to work. I am meant to come up with a suggestion for a way of praying - a technique, a method, whatever you want to call it - each week.

He is going to try them. And then he is going to write a review of them here, and give them marks out of 10 for ease of use, and interest (a combination of how absorbing they were, and how close to God/religious/challenged/whatever they made him feel.

We'd love it if others tried them too, especially teenagers, and let us know through the comments how they were for you. You can give them marks out of 10 too.

If all goes well, we're hoping to write this up and compile a book - or just have this blog in existence.

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We welcome your comments, especially if you have tried the week's exercise yourself! Give it marks out of ten, or just let us know what you think. Please be aware we may quote you if we ever do write this up as book!